Integrate digital evidence into the flow of court proceedings
Time to Revisit Your Approach to Managing Digital Evidence
Digital evidence has become ubiquitous. And essential to arriving at the truth. Its use in courtrooms has surged in recent years. But the ability of courts to manage it hasn’t kept pace. Is it time to revisit your approach?
NICE integrates digital evidence into the flow of your court proceedings. Our shared digital evidence management solution puts everyone – law enforcement, prosecutors, public defenders, and courts – on the same page.
No more submitting digital evidence on thumb drives, paper and discs. All files can be entered into evidence and tracked digitally. No more trial interruptions because video won’t play. We even provide a better way for all parties to present evidence to juries. With multimedia timelines that can incorporate video and other evidence for synchronized playback.
By investing in a county-wide cloud-based digital evidence management solution, you benefit from robust security and chain of custody tracking, while lowering costs as well.
If you’re considering NICE, or just want more information, simply fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.
NICE Capabilities
Powered by Evidencentral
NICE’s Evidencentral platform for Public Safety & Justice agencies revolutionizes the way data is managed, from the time an incident happens, until cases are successfully closed and prosecuted.
See how NICE AI helps you be better at what you do best.
“We are able to cut down on the bureaucracy of waiting on the evidence to arrive physically through the mail, so improving our response on such things as pre-charge advice, or even bringing proceedings against a perpetrator.”
Eliminates physical media – all files can be digitally entered into evidence with built-in tracking. Incorporates redaction and other tools to eliminate trial interruptions.
Evidence Presentation & Sharing
Video evidence is always playable without the need for specialized players/codecs. Ability to project multimedia trial exhibits synchronized on a timeline to juries.
County-wide Solution
Secure, shared cloud solution reduces infrastructure and storage costs, overcomes budget constraints and puts everyone on the same page.